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Hazelbank Primary School, Broughshane

News - Homepage

2023/2024 School Year

10th May 2024
As a little treat at the end of our “A Bear called Paddington…”...
9th May 2024
We had a very exciting time in ICT club this week as Mr McClean brought in some VR...
9th May 2024
In cookery club this week, the children made snowballs…
2nd May 2024
This week the children had great fun exploring how to use Sphero balls. They even...
2nd May 2024
In cookery club this week, the children made Oreo truffles! 😋 
29th Apr 2024
Primary 1 had SO much fun today “making marmalade” during Play Based...
29th Apr 2024
Primary 1 have started some money work…